besleagaliviu – CCCR Chamber of Commerce Canada - Romania Mon, 13 Jan 2025 13:08:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 besleagaliviu – CCCR 32 32 Black Sea Defense, Aerospace and Security International Exhibition Mon, 08 Jul 2024 16:47:50 +0000 🌐 CCCR was honored to be partener for BSDA 2024, the international tri service Defence, Aerospace and Security exhibition, takes place every two years in order to gather the whole offer and demand of the domains. It was created in its original form in 2007 and has never stopped evolving. Attendees’ number always increased, visitors as well as exhibitors.

🔘 BSDA brings together worldwide exhibitors, specialized visitors and official military delegations around the world.


🔘 BSDA offer to exhibitors, and also visitors, various services in order to help them to develop their commercial opportunities.


🔘 BSDA is not just an exhibition, but the best platform to showcase in life-size and live demos numerous equipment and systems, make presentations during our conferences and workshops.



🔘 BSDA 2024 Homeland Security, Safety & Protection Conference

  • The BSDA 2024 Homeland Security, Safety & Protection Conference will take place in 2024 in the beautiful National Military Club, a Ministry of National Defense building which was built more than 100 years ago! Considered a historic and an architectural monument, the National Military Club represents the central cultural institution of the Romanian Armed Forces.
  • The BSDA 2024 Homeland Security, Safety & Protection is organized together with the Romanian Ministry of Internal Affairs and will bring together the industry and the governmental decision makers with competencies in this field.
  • In the new geo-political and social realities, the Romanian Government is looking to upgrade and secure its citizens, critical infrastructure and borders. The main theme of the event is the Security & Safety Challenges in the Never Ending Environment Changes & Advancing Technologies.

🔘 The Ministry of Internal Affairs representatives and the other Romanian representatives of public institutions are eager to find out the new technologies and products available on the market presented by the attending companies.

🔘 The event’s agenda will feature the following topics:

  • Public Order and Law Enforcement
  • Cybersecurity
  • Counterterrorism
  • Emergency Management
  • Fire Protection and Rescue
  • Counterdrug
  • Border Security
  • Transnational Organized Crime


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Idei care schimbă România Thu, 25 Apr 2024 11:26:30 +0000 🌐 CCCR a participat, miercuri, la conferința „Idei care schimbă România”, eveniment organizat de Comisia pentru afaceri europene a Camerei Deputaților în parteneriat cu Ministerul Investițiilor și Proiectelor Europene, Ministerul Cercetării, Inovării și Digitalizării, Ministerul Economiei, Antreprenoriatului și Turismului, Consiliul Național al Întreprinderilor Private Mici și Mijlocii din România și Directoratul Național de Securitate Cibernetică.


🔘 În debutul lucrărilor, gazda evenimentului, preşedintele Comisiei pentru afaceri europene, deputatul Ştefan Muşoiu, a subliniat că “România aspiră să devină un lider regional în securitate cibernetică, demers pentru a cărui reuşită este crucial să fie întreprinse acţiunile practice prin care să se stabilească un cadru eficient de colaborare între stat, sectorul privat, societatea civilă şi instituţiile educaţionale”.


🔘 Printre subiectele discutate s-au numărat provocările legislative, educaţionale, de conştientizare şi cercetare, precum şi colaborarea între diferitele sectoare pentru identificarea direcţiilor de acţiune.


🔘 La eveniment au participat şi au susţinut intervenţii, din partea autorităţilor publice: domnul Andrei Alexandru, secretar de stat în Ministerul Cercetării, Inovării şi Digitalizării, domnul Gabriel Dinu, director adjunct în cadrul Directoratului Naţional de Securitate Cibernetică (DNSC) şi domnul Adrian Victor Vevera, director general al Institutului Naţional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare în Informatică – ICI Bucureşti.


🔘 Totodată, au vorbit despre modalităţi de consolidare a suveranităţii tehnologice şi perspectivele de investiţii în proiecte strategice de securitate cibernetică, reprezentanţi ai instituţiilor europene cu activitate în domeniu: domnul Luca Tagliaretti, directorul executiv al Centrului European de Competenţe în Materie de Securitate Cibernetică (ECCC) şi domnul Juhan Lepassaar, directorul executiv al Agenţiei Uniunii Europene pentru Securitate Cibernetică (ENISA).


🔘 Domnul Aviram Atzaba, directorul executiv al Diviziei de Cooperare şi Relaţii Externe a Directoratului Naţional pentru Securitate Cibernetică din Israel a împărtăşit participanţilor din experienţa şi activitatea Sistemului de Coordonare şi Integrare a Actorilor din Sfera Publică – Privată – Academică din Israel.


🔘 Au contribuit la discuţii cu perspectivele proprii din sectorul privat: domnul Mădălin Dumitru, CEO şi fondator al Cyber Smart Defence (Stefanini Group), doamna Irina Peptenaru, fondator şi CEO al Cyber Smart Academy, şi doamna Silvia Uscov, avocat şi lector la Cyber Smart Academy.


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Octopus Conference 2023 Sat, 16 Dec 2023 15:28:07 +0000 🌐 The Octopus Conference is part of the Octopus Project which is currently funded by voluntary contributions
from Canada, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, UK and USA.

🔘 Held every 12 to 18 months by the Council of Europe, the Octopus Conference constitutes one of the biggest and finest platforms of exchange in cybercrime gathering experts from more than 100 countries, international organisations, private sector and academia.

🔘 The focus for the 2023 edition will be two-fold:

– Securing and sharing electronic evidence: the tools are here – let’s use them!
– Capacity building on cybercrime and electronic evidence: 10 years of Cybercrime Programme Office (C-PROC) – What impact so far; what’s next?

☑ Besleaga Liviu, President of the RO-EU CCCR was present at the following workshops and projects:

🔘 Workshops

☑ Workshop 1: Global state of cybercrime legislation. Legislation is the basis for criminal justice action on cybercrime and electronic evidence. Many governments around the world have undertaken legal reforms, often using the Convention on Cybercrime (Budapest Convention) as a guideline. However, cybercrime legislation also needs to meet human rights and rule of law requirements to prevent misuse. The aim of this workshop is to review progress made worldwide in terms of cybercrime legislation and to identify possible risks and challenges.
☑ Workshop 2: Spontaneous information sharing. Criminal justice authorities often possess valuable information that it believes may assist the authorities of another country in a criminal investigation but of which these other authorities are not aware of. Parties to the Convention on Cybercrime (Budapest Convention) may share this type of information through Article 26 on “spontaneous information”: “A Party may, within the limits of its domestic law and without prior request, forward to another Party information obtained within the framework of its own investigations when it considers that the disclosure of such information might assist the receiving Party in initiating or carrying out investigations or proceedings concerning criminal offences established in accordance with this Convention or might lead to a request for co-operation by that Party under this chapter….” The relevance of Article 26 has been increasing over time, including within the context of cases related to the dark web or to the sharing of data retrieved from encrypted communications. The aim of the workshop is to identify current practices of using Article 26 of the Convention on Cybercrime.
☑ Workshop 3: Online child sexual exploitation and abuse. Over the past decade multi-national service providers deployed technology for the automated detection of child sexual abuse materials (CSAM) that was uploaded or disseminated via their services. Tens of millions of CSAM have been identified and reported in this way, and in many cases have helped rescue victims and identify and prosecute offenders worldwide. At the same time, the use of such techniques have raised rule of law and human rights concerns, for example, that they interfere with the privacy of communications or involve the transborder transfer of personal data or violate due process requirements. The aim of the workshop is to continue the search for solutions that permit governments to meet their positive obligation to protect children against online sexual violence and enable service providers to use automated technologies to identify and report CSAM with the necessary privacy, data protection and rule of law safeguards.
☑ Workshop 4: Synergies between Conventions for a safer cyberspace. The standards of the Conventions maintained by the Council of Europe in the areas of cybercrime, protection of children against sexual abuse, trafficking in human beings and violence against women are not simply complementary, but meant to encourage work between criminal justice authorities, protection officers and policy makers to ensure better criminal justice and related action in these areas. Substantive law offences, use of procedural tools for investigation and preventive/protective work with victims and witnesses are just examples where harmonisation would be key, while concepts such as action on cyberviolence could serve to indicate where and how such synergies should work. The aim of this workshop is to further enhance synergies between four different – but interconnected – Conventions:
– Convention on Cybercrime (ETS No. 185)
– Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (CETS No. 201)
– Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (CETS No. 210)
– Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (CETS No. 197)
☑ Workshop 5: The interplay of cybercrime and financial investigations. Establishing efficient collaboration between criminal justice authorities investigating cybercrime and institutions responsible for financial investigations is vital to safeguard societies from criminal activities. Both financial investigations and actions against cybercrime play a pivotal role in achieving this goal. The workshop will focus on identifying areas of collaboration, fostering domestic and international cooperation, disseminating effective models for interagency teamwork and highlighting the principles governing the exchange of information and evidence among financial and cybercrime experts.
☑ Workshop 6: Cybercrime and AI. Artificial Intelligence in the criminal justice sector can both represent a serious threat or enhance the fight against cybercrime. Generative AI may provide effective ways to detect crime or provide investigative assistance by analysing vast amount of data but may also be misused for criminal purposes. Falsified data (such as deep fakes) can even be presented as evidence in court. The aim of this workshop is to examine (a) the criminal threats that generative AI may pose for the criminal justice sector, (b) its role in countering cybercrime, and (c) the key issues that need to be taken into account in assessing electronic evidence generated by AI.
☑ Workshop 7: Regional workshop for Asia. With the growing reliance on information-driven technology and the exponential growth in the amount of data created and exchanged every day by users and organizations, the right to the protection of personal data faces major challenges. This is also true for criminal justice authorities who need to reconcile effective measures to obtain, process and share personal data that are needed in criminal investigations and proceedings with data protection requirements. Where these requirements are met, they facilitate the sharing of personal data also across borders and with service providers and other private sector entities. This is why Article 14 on the protection of personal data was included in the Second Protocol to the Budapest Convention. The aim of this workshop is share experience – and discuss challenges – for countries of Asia on the setting up of data protection frameworks in order to permit a more effective criminal justice response to cybercrime.
☑ Workshop 8: Regional workshop for Pacific. Robust legal frameworks on cybercrime and electronic evidence are the cornerstone for successful investigations and criminal proceedings. International standards, such as the Budapest Convention, provide a framework for consistent definitions, standardised procedural powers and international cooperation mechanisms. But the absence of transposing such measures into national laws undermines a country’s ability to investigate, prosecute and adjudicate cases involving electronic evidence and to engage in the global efforts to effectively respond to the emerging challenges presented by cybercrime. Small jurisdictions, such as the Pacific Island States, may encounter even bigger struggles in adopting and adapting appropriate laws, considering their specific legal, administrative, and technical contexts. The workshop is aimed at mapping specific challenges and possible solutions based on successful practices in the region.
☑ Workshop 9: Regional workshop for Africa. While electronic evidence is of increasing significance to criminal investigations and proceedings also in Africa, procedures to obtain such evidence from other jurisdictions are often lengthy and not effective. The Second Protocol to the Budapest Convention (opened for signature in 2022) provides tools for enhanced co-operation and disclosure of electronic evidence – such as direct cooperation with service providers and registrars, effective means to obtain subscriber information and traffic data, immediate co-operation in emergencies or joint investigations, whilst ensuring a strong system of human rights and rule of law safeguards, especially when it comes to protecting personal data. Almost a quarter of African countries are either Parties or have been invited to accede to the Budapest Convention. Making use of the tools of the Second Protocol is thus an option for Africa. Cabo Verde, Ghana, Mauritius and Morocco are among the signatories so far. The workshop is aimed at showcasing the relevance and expediency of the tools for cooperation provided for in the Protocol, as well as at discussing possible challenges to their implementation in the African region.
☑ Workshop 10: Regional workshop for Latin America and the Caribbean. Many countries in LAC have undertaken efforts in recent years to establish specialized cybercrime units at the level of police and prosecutorial services, as well as units responsible for digital forensics. However, the organizational setup and functions of such units keep evolving and are not always based on international good practices. Further, interagency cooperation between specialized cybercrime units and other services, to ensure that electronic evidence is admissible in courts, remain a challenge. The workshop aims at identifying good practices of setting up forensic units in police/prosecutors’ office and how to ensure the inter-agency co-operation and to avoid overlapping of competencies in the area of digital forensics.
☑ Workshop 11: Capacity building as a game changer – what makes a difference? The aim of the workshop is to identify examples of capacity building efforts that have made a real difference in terms of enabling sustainable changes in criminal justice systems and of increased effectiveness of tools against cybercrime. Over the past decade, governments, international organizations, private sector as well as civil society organizations have been implementing numerous projects to address cybercrime at national, regional and international level. Some actions were more successful than others. It is important to capitalize on those experiences that had an impact and helped criminal justice authorities and societies to address cybercrime more effectively.
☑ Workshop 12: Online xenophobia and racism v. freedom of expression. With online hate speech – including racism and xenophobia – on the rise, societies are struggling with an effective response that also respects the fundamental right of the freedom of expression. A broad range of measures may be taken to address hate speech online (see the Council of Europe Recommendation on Hate Speech adopted in 2022). In this spectrum of measures, criminal law is an important last resort. In 2003, the first Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime was opened for signature, addressing the “criminalisation of acts of a racist and xenophobic nature committed through computer systems” (ETS No. 189). In connection with the twentieth anniversary of this Protocol, a good practice study was undertaken on the experience of this treaty. The workshop aims to present findings of this study, to provide further guidance and to discuss challenges in addressing xenophobia and racism committed online while respecting the right to freedom of expression.
☑ Workshop 13: Strengthening 24/7 points of contact. The workshop is to further explore modalities for reinforcing the functioning of 24/7 Network of contact points under the Convention on Cybercrime (Budapest Convention): sharing good practices for the efficient processing of requests received; identifying additional ways to increase the operability of the Network; understanding the roles and responsibilities of the Network with regard to the new tools of the Second Additional Protocol to the Budapest Convention.
☑ Workshop 14: Interplay between cybersecurity and cybercrime. This workshop explores the links between cybersecurity and the prevention and control of cybercrime. It will consider in particular the cooperation between criminal justice authorities and Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs). The purpose of this session is to identify ways in which cooperation between criminal justice authorities and cybersecurity actors could improve, including through joint action against common threats, protection of critical infrastructure, and capacity building.

🔘 Projects

☑ Project event: CyberEast to CyberEast+. This event serves as the closing conference of the CyberEast project and pave the way to the follow up project CyberEast+. It will follow the project themes of legislation and policies, capacity building, and co-operation; it will tell the CyberEast story from the perspectives of the national partners demonstrating the impact and relevance of the project to improve their capacities regarding cybercrime and electronic evidence. The European Commission and the Council of Europe will formally assess and complete the project and launch a new regional action on cybercrime and electronic evidence in the region through the new CyberEast+ project. The workshop will also discuss in view of adoption a new Declaration on Strategic Priorities for the Eastern Partnership region with key project partners, serving as inspiration for policies and capacity building in the region’s countries.
☑ Project event: iPROCEEDS-2 to CyberSEE. This closing conference of the iPROCEEDS-2 project will assess the project’s main objectives, including legislation and strategic approaches, mechanisms for reporting, capacity enhancement in cybercrime, training for the judiciary and fostering collaboration between public and private sectors, as well as international co-operation. The focus will be on national partners presenting what difference the project has made to improve their agencies’ competence in handling cybercrime and electronic evidence. The event will mark the formal evaluation and closing of the project. It will also prepare the ground for new regional action targeting cybercrime and electronic evidence in South-east Europe and Turkey: the new initiative “CyberSEE” will be jointly undertaken by the European Commission and the Council of Europe from 2024 to 2027.
☑ Project event: GLACY+ to GLACY-e. This session serves as the closing event of the GLACY+ project. It will provide an opportunity to review the impact of the GLACY+ project, and to share lessons learned. Building on the positive results of GLACY+, a continuation, consolidation and expansion is now commencing with the “Global Action on Cybercrime Enhanced” (GLACY-e), a new EU-CoE joint project. GLACY-e will extend the experience of the GLACY+ project by supporting new selected countries in Africa, Asia-Pacific and Latin America. It will reinforce the leading role of the 8 hub countries in the capacity building agenda in their respective regions.
☑ Project event: CyberSouth to CyberSouth+. The objective of the final conference is to jointly review and validate the progresses in the fight against cybercrime in the MENA region during the period 2018 – 2023; assess the impact of the CyberSouth project in five main areas related to the project’s results (legislation, work of police, work of judiciary, international co-operation, national strategies) and evaluate together what worked well (best practices) and what can be improved in the next phase.

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BSDA Homeland Security Safety & Protection 2023 Sun, 26 Nov 2023 18:35:55 +0000 🔘 CCCR a fost reprezentata la Conferinta BSDA de dl Besleaga Liviu in cadrul careia au fost dezvoltate 3 teme de interes national:

– Order, safety & cybersecurity
– Emergency management & fire protection
– Border security, control & counter trafficking

🔘 La eveniment au fost prezenti peste 300 de participanți din partea Parlamentului, ambasadori, ai Guvernului, STS, SIE, SRI, SPP, reprezentanți ai industriei și ai mediului academic au fost prezenți pe durata zilei și au asistat la prezentări atât ale structurilor MAI, cât și ale companiilor românești și străine, împărțite în 3 paneluri distincte.

🔘 Evenimentul a fost deschis de către domnul Secretar de Stat Bogdan DESPESCU.

– Panelul 2 a fost deschis de către domnul Secretar de Stat dr. Raed ARAFAT și de către domnul general Dan-Paul IAMANDI, inspectorul general al Inspectoratului General pentru Situații de Urgență.
– Panelul 3 a fost deschis de către inspectorul general al Inspectoratului General al Poliției de Frontieră, domnul chestor de poliție Victor-Ștefan IVAȘCU.

🔘 In cadrul evenimentului dl Presedinte a avut intrevederi cu mediul de afaceri din zona de defense si oficiali de grad inalt din structuri asimilate evenimentului si felicita deschis organizatorul TNT Productions.

🔘 Tot in cadrul evenimentului a avut loc o intalnire cu dl Valentin Dumitrache, CEO New Akord Security, firma cu capital romanesc din zona de defense.

🔘 Scopul principal al BSDA este acela de a aduce în același loc, în același timp reprezentanții industriei, pe cei ai instituțiilor publice și mediul academic pentru a se cunoaște, pentre a găsi calea de a dezvolta proiecte noi, de a crea relații și legături de afaceri, parteneriate și de a oferi cadrul pentru toți participanții de a învăța și afla lucruri noi.

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Aspen – GMF Bucharest Forum Sun, 26 Nov 2023 18:29:51 +0000 🔘 Camera de Comert Canadino-Romana a fost reprezentata la Aspen – GMF Bucharest Forum de dl Besleaga Liviu. O conferinţă anuală emblematică pentru diplomația publică. DefenseRomania a transmis evenimentul organizat de Institutul Aspen Romania.

🔘 Cea de-a 12-a ediție a Aspen – GMF Bucharest Forum, eveniment organizat de Institutul Aspen România și German Marshall Fund of the United States the United States, a avut loc în perioada 9 – 10 noiembrie 2023, la București.

🔘 O conferinţă anuală emblematică pentru diplomația publică, de importanţă strategică în regiunea Mării Negre, Aspen – GMF Bucharest Forum va reuni lideri politici globali şi regionali, reprezentanti de top ai sectorului privat şi experţi de renume, oferind o platformă pentru dezbateri actuale şi provocatoare, abordând teme complexe într-un context regional și internațional dinamic și volatil.

🔘 Ediția din acest an se va concentra pe transformările și provocările pe care războiul din Ucraina le-a generat la nivel internațional. Printre temele care vor fi dezbătute se numără:

⦁ Nouă arhitectură politică şi economică europeană şi rolul Europei Centrale, de Sud-Est și de Est.
⦁ Perspectivele pentru pace în Ucraina și pentru securitate şi stabilitate regională.
⦁ Democrația într-o lume divizată.
⦁ Reziliența și regionalizarea lanțurilor de producție.
⦁ Inovația, noile tehnologii şi rolul acestora în relaţiile dintre marile puteri.
⦁ Piețele financiare și rezilienţa regională.
⦁ Tranziţia verde şi securitatea energetică în UE şi în regiune.

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CCCR a participat la INDAGRA organizat de CCIR Sun, 26 Nov 2023 18:28:10 +0000 ☑ Dl. Besleaga Liviu (Presedinte RO-EU CCCR) a participat astazi 26 oct 2023 la Indagra & Indagra Food Trade Event unde au avut loc discutii comerciale pentru securitatea alimentara si a apei in Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova si Ucraina. In cadrul forumului au mai fost dezbatute urmatoarele teme:

• Finanţări şi Asigurări de Energie Verde pentru Alimentarea Irigaţiilor Inteligente.
• Soluţii de Eficienţă şi Stocare a Energiei Verzi, Managementul Inteligent al Apei.
• Tehnologii Agricole Digitale, Inputuri Agricole, Agricultura de Înaltă Precizie.
• Reţele de Depozitare Frigorifică a Alimentelor şi Băuturilor.
• Cercetarea şi Dezvoltarea Soluţiilor de Ameliorare a Schimbărilor Climatice.
• Asigurarea Securităţii Alimentare şi a Apei in Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova şi Ucraina.

☑ La Forumul INDAGRA au mai participat:

• Dl. Mihai DARABAN, Preşedinte al CCIR, Organizatorul IndAgra.
• Dl. Florin BARBU, Ministru, Ministerul Agriculturii & Dezvoltării Rurale.
• Dl. Sebastian BURDUJA, Ministru, Ministerul Energiei din Romania.
• Dl. Mircea FECHET, Ministru, Ministerul Mediului, Apelor & Pădurilor din România.
• Dna. Diana-Loreta PĂUN, Consilier Prezidenţial pentru Sănătate Publică & Siguranţă Alimentară, Administraţia Prezidenţială a României.
• Dl. Ivaylo MARINOV, Ataşatul Economic şi Comercial al Bulgariei în România, Ambasada Bulgariei în România.
• Dna. Lucia MURSA, Ataşatul Economic şi Comercial al Moldovei în România, Ambasada Moldovei în România.
• E.S. Dl. Ihor PROKOPCHUK, Ambasadorul Ucrainei în România, Ambasada Ucrainei în România.
• Dl. Cristian NACU, Director Senior pentru România, Corporaţia Financiară Internaţională – CFI România, Biroul Grupului Băncii Mondiale din Bucureşti, România “Oportunităţi de Finanţare ale CFI pentru Afaceri Agricole”
• Dl. Gabriel PURICE, Preşedinte, Bursa Română de Mărfuri.

🔘 Târgul INDAGRA, organizat de către ROMEXPO în parteneriat cu Camerele de Comerț și Industrie din România, se va desfășura în perioada 25-29 octombrie 2023, în cadrul centrului expozițional Romexpo.


• Expoziția prezintă cele mai noi tendințe din domeniul agriculturii viticolturii, horticolturii și zootehniei, adresându-se companiilor de profil din Romania și din străinatate.
• INDAGRA reprezintă oportunitatea de a întâlni parteneri de afaceri, clienții actuali și potențiali, lideri de opinie, într-un cadru necesar dialogului de business și într-un mediu profesionist.
• Prin organizarea INDAGRA, Romexpo și partenerii săi sprijină si promovează mediul de afaceri din România, susținând astfel companiile și politicile de dezvoltare ale acestora.

🔘 În aceeași perioadă cu INDAGRA, au loc alte târguri cu tematică complementară: INDAGRA FOOD Târg internațional pentru industria alimentară. INDAGRA este divizat în sectoare stricte, având o tematică vastă: Sisteme irigații, sere, solarii, material săditor, semințe îngrășăminte, viticultură, silozuri, mașini utilaje și echipamente agricole, utilaje și echipamente pentru zootehnie, furaje, nutrețuri combinate și creșterea animalelor și păsărilor, laboratoare, echipamente de lucru, aparatura, produse de uz veterinar, finante, consultanta, organisme de certificare, presa de specialitate.

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CCCR a participat astazi la evenimentul PROFIT E-COMMERCE Sun, 26 Nov 2023 18:23:56 +0000 ☑ Presedintele CCCR RO-EU, Besleaga Liviu a participat astazi la evenimentul organizat de PROFIT.RO unde au fost dezbatute urmatoarele teme:

– Avansul record al vânzărilor digitale din anii 2020 și 2021 s-a temperat anul trecut, iar piața a continuat să se reașeze și anul acesta, într-un context în care inflația a pus o presiune importantă asupra veniturilor consumatorilor.
– Jucătorii din e-commerce se adaptează noii realități economice și comportamentelor de consum schimbate, piața intrând în epoca consolidării și maturizării.
– Lipsa de predictibilitate, costurile în creștere, incertitudinea fiscală, criza cipurilor și problemele din transportul internațional se reflectă în timp asupra business-urilor din online și au consecințe pe piață.
– Cu ritmuri de creștere mai lentă, comerțul digital devine, însă, mult mai competitiv, iar brandurile și retailerii mult mai atenți la strategiile de atragere și de retenție a clienților.
– Pentru managerii și antreprenorii din domeniu, provocările vin și din zona tehnologiei, a digitalizării, a inovațiilor care transformă piața, dar și a finanțărilor, într-un context în care și capitalul a devenit tot mai scump.
– Nu în ultimul rând, reglementările și măsurile luate de autorități influențează domeniul, cu consecințe asupra viitorului afacerilor.
– Perspectivele pieței într-un astfel de context complicat vor fi aduse în dezbatere de la o nouă conferință dedicată sectorului e-commerce.

🔘 Teme dezbatute:

– Provocări financiare pentru antreprenorii locali într-un context economic marcat de inflație, blocaje în lanțurile de furnizare, costuri crescute cu energia și materiile prime.
– Cum se schimbă preferințele consumatorilor.
– Cum poți ieși din piața locală pentru a te impune în alte țări.
– Problema retururilor – soluții.
– Preferințe pentru delivery, schimbări in serviciile de curierat.
– Preocupări de sustenabilitate – problema ambalajelor, transportul etc.
– Perspective economice ale comerțului online.
– Transformările și inovațiile tehnologice care vor avea cel mai mare impact pentru e-commerce în anii următori.
– Așteptări de Black Friday.
– Provocări de logistică pe o piață tot mai aglomerată.
– Ce impact vor avea în industrie schimbările fiscale anunțate de Guvern pentru echilibrarea bugetului public.
– Cum au evoluat / s-au schimbat nevoile retailerilor și consumatorilor în online? Diferențe în funcție de domenii / segmente de piață.
– Provocări pentru forța de muncă în comerțul online.
– Analiza datelor privind evoluția pieței și perspective pentru perioada următoare.
– Cum poate fi depășită incertitudinea generată de scumpiri și conflictul din vecini asupra tendinței de cumpărare?
– Cum pot fi soluționate cât mai bine problemele de aprovizionare pentru a dezvolta
– Cum se poate îmbina eficient canalul de vânzare online cu magazinul fizic?
– Finanțări pentru adaptarea vânzărilor la mediul digital.
– Cum îți faci strategia de pricing a produsului.
– Sfaturi pentru antreprenori la început de drum, când decid lansarea unui magazine online.
– Provocări pentru start-up-uri în atragerea de investitori instituționali.
– Soluții de optimizare a proceselor și operațiunilor, perspective pentru AI.

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CCCR support Aspen Institute Romania’s Healthcare & Quality of Life Program Sun, 26 Nov 2023 18:22:10 +0000 🔘 CCCR President RO-EU, Mr. Besleaga Liviu has been present today at Aspen Healthcare Summit, at the twelfth edition in 2023, an major public event of Aspen Institute Romania’s Healthcare & Quality of Life Program.

🔘 The following main topics will be addressed:

– Predictability & resilience of the healthcare system: ensuring the predictable financing of the system in order to provide continuous and universal access to medical services to all categories of patients, while also ensuring access to new, life-saving, innovative medicines. Benefits of the newly launched Health Innovation Hub and ways to operationalize an Innovation Fund in healthcare.

– Shifting the paradigm from a hospital-centric system towards pre-hospital medical services / outpatient care. Continuing to focus on promoting primary prevention (e.g. access to vaccination and vaccination pathways) & secondary prevention (including screening / early detection, implementing point-of-care testing).

– Supporting the implementation of critical national strategies: towards fully functioning National Plans for Beating Cancer and for Combating Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Diseases. Discussions will focus on prevention and education while addressing ways to improve access to diagnosis and innovative treatments. The role of the private sector in contributing to the success of these National Strategies will also be discussed.

– E-health, Biotechnology, AI and the Digitalization of the Healthcare System: what are best practices from abroad and how can the Romanian healthcare system benefit from the widespread use of data and innovative digital solutions in the medical sector? How can the public and the private sector collaborate to the benefit of patients?

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Bucharest CyberSecurity Conference 2023 Sun, 26 Nov 2023 18:18:27 +0000 ℹ CCCR a fost reprezentata in data de 12 si 13 oct la Bucharest CyberSecurity Conference 2023 organizată de Directoratul Național de Securitate Cibernetică (Dan Cimpean) în cadrul căreia au fost abordate următoare teme/paneluri:

☑ Policy and Regulations in the Cyber Security Domain
☑ NIS Directive Compliance and Implications
☑ European Regulations and their Impact on Cyber Security Practices
☑ Cyber Security in Healthcare: Protecting Sensitive Medical Data
☑ Ensuring Cyber Resilience in the Automotive Sector
☑ Cyber Security Challenges in Retail, Energy, Banking, and Financial Institutions
☑ Education and Competence in Cyber Security: Fostering a Skilled Workforce
☑ Securing AI Applications in a Connected World
☑ Strengthening Cyber Security in Supply Chain Networks
☑ Cloud security

💠 Printre invitații din sesiunea de deschidere au fost și dl Ivan Bogdan Ministrul MCID cât și dl Victor Vevera Director ICI, Dan Cimpean Director DNSC cat si multe alte entitati prezente activ in domeniul cybersecurity ANIS/ARASI.

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CCCR at Euro-Atlantic Resilience Centre Forum Sun, 26 Nov 2023 18:13:52 +0000 ✅ Tema pentru acest an la EARF este Reziliența pe mare și impactul acesteia asupra terestră, deoarece provocările care afectează domeniul maritim au consecințe de amploare și în majoritatea cazurilor necesită răspunsuri coordonate, globale. Au fost organizate șase paneluri, care să exploreze intersecția dintre mare și mai multe domenii de reziliență: la New York, s-a vorbit despre încălzirea globală și atenuarea efectelor dezastrelor naturale, în parteneriat cu ONU; la Bruxelles, despre entitățile critice, în parteneriat cu Parlamentul European; la Washington, despre tehnologiile emergente și disruptive; la Kiev despre reziliența sistemului energetic; în Vicenza despre continuitatea guvernării și reziliența societății; la Lublin, despre tendințele din vecinătatea NATO și UE.

🔘 Presedintele CCCR RO-EU a avut mai multe intrevederi in cadrul Forumului EARF2023 la nivel de Presedintele si Vicepresedintele E-ARC, institutii europene reprezentate cat si cu sectorul diplomatic al statelor prezente. Dl. Besleaga Liviu a participat la urmatoarele paneluri:

– Resilience of Critical Entities
– Resilience in the Energy Sector
– Forward resilience: How can the EU and NATO support
their neighbours?
– Navigating towards Resilience: Technological
– EARF2023 Leadership Programme
– Resilience towards Hybrid Threats: Lessons Learned from
the Republic of Moldova
– Navigating the seas of safety: exploring synergies between
maritime and societal resilience
– Climate Change and the Marine Ecosystem

🔘 In cadrul forumului s-au deschis discutiile formale pentru realizarea unui parteneriat strategic intre Chamber of Commerce Canada – Romania si Euro-Atlantic Resilience Centre.

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