camera – CCCR Chamber of Commerce Canada - Romania Sun, 26 Nov 2023 18:43:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 camera – CCCR 32 32 IRISTEL Company Sun, 26 Nov 2023 18:43:44 +0000 Iristel is Canada’s fastest-growing Competitive Local Exchange Carrier providing innovative communication services that are changing how consumers and businesses communicate. Founded in 1999, Markham-based Iristel operates Canada’s largest facilities-based local voice network extending Coast-to-Coast-to-Coast. Iristel has deployed multiple redundant switching facilities and points of presence (PoPs) nationally.

Iristel is also the parent company to Ice Wireless, an LTE-A carrier with operations in Canada’s northern territories and Quebec. Iristel also owns brands such as Sugar Mobile, an Over-the-Top (OTT) app where phone calls and text messages can be transmitted through data, and Télécommunications de l’Est (TDE), a company that operates a Nomad mobile network, a unique two-way radio digital trunking network built to meet the specific needs of Canada’s rural regions.

A major component of Iristel Canada is Iristel Romania SRL. Iristel Romania is home to many of Iristel’s backend resources such as : Engineering team , Local Number Portability, Network Operations Centre (NOC), some of Iristel’s Customer Care Department, as well as many of the internal and front end resources that are required for the fluid operations of a modern telecommunications service provider. In addition to being a major component of the engine that powers Iristel Canada, Iristel Romania is a national Telecom service provider in Romania, enabling connectivity and local telecommunications services to the residents of Romania.

With Iristel Romania’s integral resources Iristel Canada has been able to grow and to evolve into one of the most advanced communications networks in Canada that is relied upon by businesses, Tier 1 carriers and millions of Canadians for infrastructure solutions such as 911 emergency calls, industrial Internet of Things, machine-to-machine, gaming on mobile devices, and much more. You might say that Iristel provides the technological plumbing that enables millions of mobile devices work seamlessly regardless of the communications provider.

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Aspen – GMF Bucharest Forum Sun, 26 Nov 2023 18:29:51 +0000 🔘 Camera de Comert Canadino-Romana a fost reprezentata la Aspen – GMF Bucharest Forum de dl Besleaga Liviu. O conferinţă anuală emblematică pentru diplomația publică. DefenseRomania a transmis evenimentul organizat de Institutul Aspen Romania.

🔘 Cea de-a 12-a ediție a Aspen – GMF Bucharest Forum, eveniment organizat de Institutul Aspen România și German Marshall Fund of the United States the United States, a avut loc în perioada 9 – 10 noiembrie 2023, la București.

🔘 O conferinţă anuală emblematică pentru diplomația publică, de importanţă strategică în regiunea Mării Negre, Aspen – GMF Bucharest Forum va reuni lideri politici globali şi regionali, reprezentanti de top ai sectorului privat şi experţi de renume, oferind o platformă pentru dezbateri actuale şi provocatoare, abordând teme complexe într-un context regional și internațional dinamic și volatil.

🔘 Ediția din acest an se va concentra pe transformările și provocările pe care războiul din Ucraina le-a generat la nivel internațional. Printre temele care vor fi dezbătute se numără:

⦁ Nouă arhitectură politică şi economică europeană şi rolul Europei Centrale, de Sud-Est și de Est.
⦁ Perspectivele pentru pace în Ucraina și pentru securitate şi stabilitate regională.
⦁ Democrația într-o lume divizată.
⦁ Reziliența și regionalizarea lanțurilor de producție.
⦁ Inovația, noile tehnologii şi rolul acestora în relaţiile dintre marile puteri.
⦁ Piețele financiare și rezilienţa regională.
⦁ Tranziţia verde şi securitatea energetică în UE şi în regiune.

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ROINVEST – Business Zone Sun, 26 Nov 2023 18:09:40 +0000 ✅ CCCR a fost reprezentata astăzi la evenimetul ROINVEST de catre dl Besleaga Liviu, Presedinte CCCR RO-EU, organizat de CCI Franceza in Romania și unde au fost dezbătute următoarele teme:

🔘 Programul guvernamental de investiţii – Planul Naţional de Redresare şi Rezilienţă – Obiective pentru 2023 şi principalele proiecte până în 2026. Implicarea mediului privat în proiectele din PNRR.

🔘 În ce domenii investim în criză – statul şi companiile private.

🔘 Investiţii ESG – noul trend european şi ce astfel de investiţii şi finanţări se fac în România.

🔘 Investiţiile în infrastructura de transport, baza dezvoltării ţării.

🔘 Investiţii în infrastructura de comunicaţii – digitalizarea serviciilor publice româneşti. Investiţii private în proiecte de digitalizare.

🔘 Strategii de investiţii ale companiilor – revizuirea strategiilor în criză, ce investiţii sunt necesare, ce investiţii de dezvoltare se vor face şi ce propuneri au companiile pentru autorităţi.

ℹ Nota Presedinte: “Investitiile externe in Romania au scazut in 2024 fata de 2023 cu 14 %, statul roman ar trebui sa incurajeze zona de afaceri la nivel de IMM si IM cat si investiile cu capital strain printr-o zona de fiscalitate mai flexibila”

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CCCR has been represented by M. Liviu Besleaga at the Black Sea Defense, Aerospace and Security International Exhibition Sun, 26 Nov 2023 18:01:37 +0000 ✅ BSDA, the international tri service Defence, Aerospace and Security exhibition, takes place every two years in order to gather the whole offer and demand of the domains. It was created in its original form in 2007 and has never stopped evolving. Attendees’ number always increased, visitors as well as exhibitors.

✅ Chamber of Commerce Canada – Romania has been represented by M. Liviu Besleaga at the Black Sea Defense, Aerospace and Security International Exhibition (BSDA 2022) in Bucharest, Romania. We had the pleasure to exchange with Canadian, French, American and some other companies in order to build new and interesting partnerships and collaborations.

✅ Romaero is an aerospace company that integrates two major activities: aerostructure manufacturing and maintenance and repair for civil and military transport aircraft. It is the largest company in the Romanian Aerospace Industry with 100 years of tradition in this field and is located near the Baneasa Airport platform.

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Meeting between Besleaga Liviu President CCCR (RO-EU) and Dan Cimpeanu Director DNSC Sun, 26 Nov 2023 17:53:55 +0000 During the discussion on January 20, 2022 between the President of the Canadian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce RO-EU (CCCR), Liviu Besleaga and the Director of the National Directorate of Cyber Security (DNSC), Dan Cîmpean, the following topics were discussed:

Collaboration of the DNSC Directorate with CCCR in terms of supporting cyber security projects involving Romanian and Canadian partners.
CCCR and the DNSC agreed to cooperate, on specific projects of common interest as well as different cybersecurity topics. DNSC will assist the CCCR by facilitating access to large national online communities.

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