earc – CCCR https://cccr.cam Chamber of Commerce Canada - Romania Mon, 08 Jul 2024 15:10:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://cccr.cam/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/cropped-fav-32x32.png earc – CCCR https://cccr.cam 32 32 OutLook on Resilience International Conference https://cccr.cam/outlook-on-resilience-international-conference/ https://cccr.cam/outlook-on-resilience-international-conference/#respond Wed, 24 Apr 2024 15:38:51 +0000 https://cccr.cam/?p=7190 🌐 CCCR attended today at OutLook on Resilience International Conference organized by Euro-Atlantic Resilience Center. The main panels was:

– Tomorrow’s defence, by AI
– Unveiling the Future: AI in Cybersecurity
– Digital communications in the age of AI
– Mastering the AI: ethic and legal considerations
– AI as enabler and challenger of societal resilience
– AI-enhanced education
– Round-table: AI in money laundering and crypto

🔘 The aim of the Conference is to address the complex impact of AI on the resilience of our society as a whole and explore the dual role that it has, of facilitator and disruptor, in domains like defense, communications, education, societal resilience, ethics and cyber. Objectives: In this regard, the conference aims to:

– Facilitate awareness about current trends in this domain and the actors involved in the process
– Stimulate the exchange of information on AI in specific domains, covered by the panels of the conference
– Create a collaborative environment/format between experts, developers and decision-makers in the field
– Share best practices and discuss principles in the ethical and safe use of AI
– Strengthen trust and relationships between stakeholders
– Identify the major vulnerabilities and opportunities in the context of AI development and potential large-scale use towards building resilient institutions and societies

🔘 Distinguished guests and speakers list:

* Ovidiu RAEȚCHI – President, Euro-Atlantic Resilience Centre
* Amb. Ovidiu DRANGA – Euro-Atlantic Resilience Centre
* Luca TAGLIARETTI – Executive Director, European Cybersecurity Competence Center
* Sorin–Dan MOLDOVAN – Chairperson, Committee for Information technologies and communications, Chamber of Deputies
* Gabriela RAMOS – Assistant Director-General for Social and Human Sciences of UNESCO (video)
* Cristian SFICHI – Regional Managing Director for Romania , Ukraine & Caucasus, THALES
* Luciana MOROGAN – AI expert at European Defence Fund, DG DEFIS, EU Commission
* Isidoros MONOGIOUDIS – Project officer, European Defence Agency
* Dongyoun CHO, Senior Researcher, United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR)
* Andrei MITRANA – Senior Cyber Security Manager, Human Capital at National Cyber Security Directorate
* Cătălina IOSUB – System engineer specialist, Palo Alto Networks
* Marianne LINDROTH – Project Manager, Aalto University
* Yugo NEUMORNI – President, CIO Council
* Nathalie VANDYSTADT, Policy Coordinator for relations and negotiations with the European Parliament and the Council of the EU, DG CONNECT, European Commission
* Seizo ONOE – Director, ITU Telecommunication Standardization Bureau
* Ioan DEMETER – Partner, Mware Solutions SA
* Major-General Mădălin MIHAI – Technical Deputy Director, Special Telecommunications Service
* Ciprian ZAMFIRESCU – Vodafone Romania
* Sabin DIMA – Founder & CEO, Humans.AI

  • Besleaga Liviu – President RO-EU CCCR
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CCCR at Euro-Atlantic Resilience Centre Forum https://cccr.cam/cccr-at-euro-atlantic-resilience-centre-forum/ https://cccr.cam/cccr-at-euro-atlantic-resilience-centre-forum/#respond Sun, 26 Nov 2023 18:13:52 +0000 https://cccr.cam/?p=6497 ✅ Tema pentru acest an la EARF este Reziliența pe mare și impactul acesteia asupra terestră, deoarece provocările care afectează domeniul maritim au consecințe de amploare și în majoritatea cazurilor necesită răspunsuri coordonate, globale. Au fost organizate șase paneluri, care să exploreze intersecția dintre mare și mai multe domenii de reziliență: la New York, s-a vorbit despre încălzirea globală și atenuarea efectelor dezastrelor naturale, în parteneriat cu ONU; la Bruxelles, despre entitățile critice, în parteneriat cu Parlamentul European; la Washington, despre tehnologiile emergente și disruptive; la Kiev despre reziliența sistemului energetic; în Vicenza despre continuitatea guvernării și reziliența societății; la Lublin, despre tendințele din vecinătatea NATO și UE.

🔘 Presedintele CCCR RO-EU a avut mai multe intrevederi in cadrul Forumului EARF2023 la nivel de Presedintele si Vicepresedintele E-ARC, institutii europene reprezentate cat si cu sectorul diplomatic al statelor prezente. Dl. Besleaga Liviu a participat la urmatoarele paneluri:

– Resilience of Critical Entities
– Resilience in the Energy Sector
– Forward resilience: How can the EU and NATO support
their neighbours?
– Navigating towards Resilience: Technological
– EARF2023 Leadership Programme
– Resilience towards Hybrid Threats: Lessons Learned from
the Republic of Moldova
– Navigating the seas of safety: exploring synergies between
maritime and societal resilience
– Climate Change and the Marine Ecosystem

🔘 In cadrul forumului s-au deschis discutiile formale pentru realizarea unui parteneriat strategic intre Chamber of Commerce Canada – Romania si Euro-Atlantic Resilience Centre.

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