forum – CCCR Chamber of Commerce Canada - Romania Sun, 26 Nov 2023 18:18:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 forum – CCCR 32 32 Bucharest CyberSecurity Conference 2023 Sun, 26 Nov 2023 18:18:27 +0000 ℹ CCCR a fost reprezentata in data de 12 si 13 oct la Bucharest CyberSecurity Conference 2023 organizată de Directoratul Național de Securitate Cibernetică (Dan Cimpean) în cadrul căreia au fost abordate următoare teme/paneluri:

☑ Policy and Regulations in the Cyber Security Domain
☑ NIS Directive Compliance and Implications
☑ European Regulations and their Impact on Cyber Security Practices
☑ Cyber Security in Healthcare: Protecting Sensitive Medical Data
☑ Ensuring Cyber Resilience in the Automotive Sector
☑ Cyber Security Challenges in Retail, Energy, Banking, and Financial Institutions
☑ Education and Competence in Cyber Security: Fostering a Skilled Workforce
☑ Securing AI Applications in a Connected World
☑ Strengthening Cyber Security in Supply Chain Networks
☑ Cloud security

💠 Printre invitații din sesiunea de deschidere au fost și dl Ivan Bogdan Ministrul MCID cât și dl Victor Vevera Director ICI, Dan Cimpean Director DNSC cat si multe alte entitati prezente activ in domeniul cybersecurity ANIS/ARASI.

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CCCR at Euro-Atlantic Resilience Centre Forum Sun, 26 Nov 2023 18:13:52 +0000 ✅ Tema pentru acest an la EARF este Reziliența pe mare și impactul acesteia asupra terestră, deoarece provocările care afectează domeniul maritim au consecințe de amploare și în majoritatea cazurilor necesită răspunsuri coordonate, globale. Au fost organizate șase paneluri, care să exploreze intersecția dintre mare și mai multe domenii de reziliență: la New York, s-a vorbit despre încălzirea globală și atenuarea efectelor dezastrelor naturale, în parteneriat cu ONU; la Bruxelles, despre entitățile critice, în parteneriat cu Parlamentul European; la Washington, despre tehnologiile emergente și disruptive; la Kiev despre reziliența sistemului energetic; în Vicenza despre continuitatea guvernării și reziliența societății; la Lublin, despre tendințele din vecinătatea NATO și UE.

🔘 Presedintele CCCR RO-EU a avut mai multe intrevederi in cadrul Forumului EARF2023 la nivel de Presedintele si Vicepresedintele E-ARC, institutii europene reprezentate cat si cu sectorul diplomatic al statelor prezente. Dl. Besleaga Liviu a participat la urmatoarele paneluri:

– Resilience of Critical Entities
– Resilience in the Energy Sector
– Forward resilience: How can the EU and NATO support
their neighbours?
– Navigating towards Resilience: Technological
– EARF2023 Leadership Programme
– Resilience towards Hybrid Threats: Lessons Learned from
the Republic of Moldova
– Navigating the seas of safety: exploring synergies between
maritime and societal resilience
– Climate Change and the Marine Ecosystem

🔘 In cadrul forumului s-au deschis discutiile formale pentru realizarea unui parteneriat strategic intre Chamber of Commerce Canada – Romania si Euro-Atlantic Resilience Centre.

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THREE SEAS SUMMIT AND BUSINESS FORUM Sun, 26 Nov 2023 18:07:37 +0000 🇹🇩 Romania took on the role of organizing the 8th edition of the 3SI Summit at a decisive stage for reconfirming the Three Seas Initiative as a political platform for facilitating strategic infrastructure interconnection projects and investments in the region on the North-South axis, thus realizing the 3SI’s goals of developing the economies of participating states, promoting the convergence with the rest of the EU and the transatlantic partnership.

☑ CCCR was represented in the 3SI Forum by Mr. Besleaga Liviu (President for RO-EU) who concluded the potential of this SUMMIT as follows:

🔘 The focus was on addressing economic and geopolitical challenges, including green energy, transportation networks, digitalization, and cybersecurity.
🔘 Participants include business leaders, experts, and decision-makers from member states and partner countries, with support from the European Commission, Germany, and the USA.
🔘 The Three Seas Initiative unites 12 EU member states bordering the Baltic, Black, and Adriatic Seas.

☑ Investment Fund: The Three Seas Initiative Investment Fund is a dedicated commercial fund targeting critical infrastructure investment in the region. The fund is advised by Amber Infrastructure Group, an independent specialist international investment manager.
☑ Objectives: The Three Seas initiative aims to promote cooperation, first and foremost, for the development of infrastructure in the energy, transport, and digital sectors. It targets new investments, economic growth, and energy security.
☑ Three Seas Story: The cornerstone of Three Seas was laid down in 2015. Today, the initiative comprises of an annual summit held at the presidential level, a business forum, and an international investment fund for the financing of infrastructure projects.


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