military – CCCR Chamber of Commerce Canada - Romania Mon, 08 Jul 2024 16:55:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 military – CCCR 32 32 Black Sea Defense, Aerospace and Security International Exhibition Mon, 08 Jul 2024 16:47:50 +0000 🌐 CCCR was honored to be partener for BSDA 2024, the international tri service Defence, Aerospace and Security exhibition, takes place every two years in order to gather the whole offer and demand of the domains. It was created in its original form in 2007 and has never stopped evolving. Attendees’ number always increased, visitors as well as exhibitors.

🔘 BSDA brings together worldwide exhibitors, specialized visitors and official military delegations around the world.


🔘 BSDA offer to exhibitors, and also visitors, various services in order to help them to develop their commercial opportunities.


🔘 BSDA is not just an exhibition, but the best platform to showcase in life-size and live demos numerous equipment and systems, make presentations during our conferences and workshops.



🔘 BSDA 2024 Homeland Security, Safety & Protection Conference

  • The BSDA 2024 Homeland Security, Safety & Protection Conference will take place in 2024 in the beautiful National Military Club, a Ministry of National Defense building which was built more than 100 years ago! Considered a historic and an architectural monument, the National Military Club represents the central cultural institution of the Romanian Armed Forces.
  • The BSDA 2024 Homeland Security, Safety & Protection is organized together with the Romanian Ministry of Internal Affairs and will bring together the industry and the governmental decision makers with competencies in this field.
  • In the new geo-political and social realities, the Romanian Government is looking to upgrade and secure its citizens, critical infrastructure and borders. The main theme of the event is the Security & Safety Challenges in the Never Ending Environment Changes & Advancing Technologies.

🔘 The Ministry of Internal Affairs representatives and the other Romanian representatives of public institutions are eager to find out the new technologies and products available on the market presented by the attending companies.

🔘 The event’s agenda will feature the following topics:

  • Public Order and Law Enforcement
  • Cybersecurity
  • Counterterrorism
  • Emergency Management
  • Fire Protection and Rescue
  • Counterdrug
  • Border Security
  • Transnational Organized Crime


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BSDA Homeland Security Safety & Protection 2023 Sun, 26 Nov 2023 18:35:55 +0000 🔘 CCCR a fost reprezentata la Conferinta BSDA de dl Besleaga Liviu in cadrul careia au fost dezvoltate 3 teme de interes national:

– Order, safety & cybersecurity
– Emergency management & fire protection
– Border security, control & counter trafficking

🔘 La eveniment au fost prezenti peste 300 de participanți din partea Parlamentului, ambasadori, ai Guvernului, STS, SIE, SRI, SPP, reprezentanți ai industriei și ai mediului academic au fost prezenți pe durata zilei și au asistat la prezentări atât ale structurilor MAI, cât și ale companiilor românești și străine, împărțite în 3 paneluri distincte.

🔘 Evenimentul a fost deschis de către domnul Secretar de Stat Bogdan DESPESCU.

– Panelul 2 a fost deschis de către domnul Secretar de Stat dr. Raed ARAFAT și de către domnul general Dan-Paul IAMANDI, inspectorul general al Inspectoratului General pentru Situații de Urgență.
– Panelul 3 a fost deschis de către inspectorul general al Inspectoratului General al Poliției de Frontieră, domnul chestor de poliție Victor-Ștefan IVAȘCU.

🔘 In cadrul evenimentului dl Presedinte a avut intrevederi cu mediul de afaceri din zona de defense si oficiali de grad inalt din structuri asimilate evenimentului si felicita deschis organizatorul TNT Productions.

🔘 Tot in cadrul evenimentului a avut loc o intalnire cu dl Valentin Dumitrache, CEO New Akord Security, firma cu capital romanesc din zona de defense.

🔘 Scopul principal al BSDA este acela de a aduce în același loc, în același timp reprezentanții industriei, pe cei ai instituțiilor publice și mediul academic pentru a se cunoaște, pentre a găsi calea de a dezvolta proiecte noi, de a crea relații și legături de afaceri, parteneriate și de a oferi cadrul pentru toți participanții de a învăța și afla lucruri noi.

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CCCR has been represented by M. Liviu Besleaga at the Black Sea Defense, Aerospace and Security International Exhibition Sun, 26 Nov 2023 18:01:37 +0000 ✅ BSDA, the international tri service Defence, Aerospace and Security exhibition, takes place every two years in order to gather the whole offer and demand of the domains. It was created in its original form in 2007 and has never stopped evolving. Attendees’ number always increased, visitors as well as exhibitors.

✅ Chamber of Commerce Canada – Romania has been represented by M. Liviu Besleaga at the Black Sea Defense, Aerospace and Security International Exhibition (BSDA 2022) in Bucharest, Romania. We had the pleasure to exchange with Canadian, French, American and some other companies in order to build new and interesting partnerships and collaborations.

✅ Romaero is an aerospace company that integrates two major activities: aerostructure manufacturing and maintenance and repair for civil and military transport aircraft. It is the largest company in the Romanian Aerospace Industry with 100 years of tradition in this field and is located near the Baneasa Airport platform.

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