rezilienta – CCCR Chamber of Commerce Canada - Romania Mon, 08 Jul 2024 15:36:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 rezilienta – CCCR 32 32 International Mayors Summit Mon, 15 Apr 2024 17:40:35 +0000 🌐 CCCR was invited to the IMS SUMMIT in Moldova, an international event where the current context on the Moldova – Ukraine – Romania axis was debated. The invited mayors had the opportunity to present their projects and achievements. To to the SUMMIT has attended by Mr. Marian Florea, president of the Association of Public Administrators from Romania who presented the opportunities for cross-border development and interconnection between mayors and city managers. Besleaga Liviu, the president of the CCCR for the RO-EU area, publicly expressed his support for the summit as well as for the business opportunities that can develop between the mayors and states.

🔘 International Mayors Summit (IMS), launched in 2016 in Ukraine as a knowledge exchange platform for local government leaders, became “more than a conference”, a place where projects and partnerships are born.

🔘 In navigating this challenging journey, Ukraine and Moldova have drawn closer to the European family they belong to, recognizing that local-level cooperation is integral to strengthening regional security and development efforts. Consequently, the 5th International Mayors Summit will take place in Moldova with the esteemed support of President Maia Sandu.

🔘 The annual Summit brings together prominent mayors from throughout the world, the business community, international organizations representatives and civil society to discuss solutions, innovations, best practices and cities’ success stories in various spheres. The Summit is organized by Western NIS Enterprise Fund. In Ukraine it was supported by the Prime Minister of Ukraine. Mayors and experts from the USA, Canada, the Netherlands, UK, UAE, Albania, Lithuania, Sweden, Poland, and Germany took part at the International Mayors Summit.

🔘 The Summit’s format allows participants to get knowledge and build a strong international network with prominent global leaders of urban transformation, join professional speed-networking sessions, test various solutions right on the spot, sign memorandums and launch special projects.

🔘 In this volatile world, influenced by pandemic, wars and global political and economic crises, mayors are at the frontline of urgent and necessary decisions, trying to coordinate with the central government, create partnerships with businesses, engage and convince the community.

🔘 Since February 24, 2022, Ukrainian city leaders have confronted a new and critical challenge in safeguarding their communities from the brutality of the Russian aggressor. Cities like Mariupol have been entirely devastated, while Kharkiv and Mykolaiv face incessant attacks, and Chernihiv, Irpin, and Bucha have endured devastating destruction. The enemy targets vital civilian infrastructure—hospitals, schools, kindergartens, roads, bridges, railway hubs, and stations. Security has emerged as a paramount challenge for Ukrainian cities nationwide. In the western regions, communities are diligently providing refuge for internally displaced persons (IDPs) and relocated businesses amid an uncertain period. Remarkably, international cooperation among communities has reached unprecedented levels, fostering unity around democratic, safe, and innovative development.

🔘 The overarching theme of the Summit is centered on the understanding that the reconstruction of cities is tantamount to the reconstruction of society. Accordingly, this Summit will focus on vital topics such as revitalizing cities, making them attractive to human capital, developing economic profiles, ensuring safety and growth, and introducing innovative solutions to fortify a human-centric approach to city development.

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CCCR at Euro-Atlantic Resilience Centre Forum Sun, 26 Nov 2023 18:13:52 +0000 ✅ Tema pentru acest an la EARF este Reziliența pe mare și impactul acesteia asupra terestră, deoarece provocările care afectează domeniul maritim au consecințe de amploare și în majoritatea cazurilor necesită răspunsuri coordonate, globale. Au fost organizate șase paneluri, care să exploreze intersecția dintre mare și mai multe domenii de reziliență: la New York, s-a vorbit despre încălzirea globală și atenuarea efectelor dezastrelor naturale, în parteneriat cu ONU; la Bruxelles, despre entitățile critice, în parteneriat cu Parlamentul European; la Washington, despre tehnologiile emergente și disruptive; la Kiev despre reziliența sistemului energetic; în Vicenza despre continuitatea guvernării și reziliența societății; la Lublin, despre tendințele din vecinătatea NATO și UE.

🔘 Presedintele CCCR RO-EU a avut mai multe intrevederi in cadrul Forumului EARF2023 la nivel de Presedintele si Vicepresedintele E-ARC, institutii europene reprezentate cat si cu sectorul diplomatic al statelor prezente. Dl. Besleaga Liviu a participat la urmatoarele paneluri:

– Resilience of Critical Entities
– Resilience in the Energy Sector
– Forward resilience: How can the EU and NATO support
their neighbours?
– Navigating towards Resilience: Technological
– EARF2023 Leadership Programme
– Resilience towards Hybrid Threats: Lessons Learned from
the Republic of Moldova
– Navigating the seas of safety: exploring synergies between
maritime and societal resilience
– Climate Change and the Marine Ecosystem

🔘 In cadrul forumului s-au deschis discutiile formale pentru realizarea unui parteneriat strategic intre Chamber of Commerce Canada – Romania si Euro-Atlantic Resilience Centre.

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